
10 Facts about dbz


10 Facts about DBZ | Dragon Ball Z facts. 

Facts about dbz | facts about dbz

Hello friends my name is Raj and welcome back to our blog post with the title 10 facts about dbz. Everybody are huge fans of dbz and me also. Without wasting any time let's begin the Post.

1. In all the Japanese versions of Dragon Ball, Goku, his father Bardock and his two sons, Gohan and Goten is actually voiced by an older woman named Masako nozawa. 

2. Many of the characters names are actually a play on English words. Some examples are: Kakarot taken from carrot, Vegeta simply taking from the first six letters of the word vegetable, Raditz from radish, Frieza comes from freezer, Broly from broccoli, Paragus taken from asparagus. And then there's more obvious one such as Trunks, Briefs, Launch, Piano, Chilled, Cooler and many more. Also in Japanese saiyan is formed by rearranging the syllables of the Japanese word yasai which also happens to mean vegetable. In other words Super Saiyan equals Super Vegetable. 

3. Something that I also covered in my very first episode of this series: Top 10 facts memes is that the line for the popular meme It's over 9000 is actually wrong. In the original manga actually says it's over 8000 after doing some further digging into the dark corners of the web It seems like it was changed to better fit the characters mouth movements in the English Dub, however Vegeta still says 8000 in the remastered English DVD release of the episode. Nappa: What does the scouter say about his power level? Vegeta: It's over 8000! Nappa: 8000? 

4. Frieza is one of the most significant villains in the series but it's also the most frequently defeated villain being defeated a total of five times. He lost to Goku on Namek, was executed by Future Trunks and defeated by Pikkon in Dragon Ball Z, he was also sent back to Hell by Gohan in Fusion Reborn and was frozen and smashed to pieces by Goku in Dragon Ball GT. It could also be said to be six if you count Ghost Warrior Frieza who was also defeated by Future Trunks. Frieza's fight against goku is also the longest fight in the Dragon Ball Z anime spanning 19 episodes! And quite ironically despite doing everything in his power to make sure that the Super Saiyan would never surface Frieza actually caused the most Super Saiyan transformations in the series. In one way or another he caused Goku, Gohan, Bardock, and Broly to become a Super Saiyan. 

Facts about dbz | dragon Ball z facts

5. During a scene in the first episode of the Namek Saga a picture of several nameks is shown and one of them has a mustache. This is kind of weird as no other Nameks in the entire series has been seen with facial hair of any kind, the exception would be Piano, a mutated a dynamic who has a few sprouts of hair on the back of his head. 

6. Goku signature attack the Kamehameha translates to Turtle Destruction Wave from Japanese. But Kamehameha is also the name of a man who established the kingdom of Hawaii in 1810. His full name was Kalani Pai'ea Wohi O Kaleikini Keali'Ikui Kamehameha O 'Iolani I Kaiwikapu Kau'I Ka Liholiho Kunuiakea Ikea? Okay, that's fucking impossible to say I'm just saiyan! 

7. Aside from anime and manga, Dragon Ball is also very popular video game franchise, especially in Japan. There have been a total of 138... 138 video games! about the Dragon Ball franchise, the majority of which have only been released in Japan though. 

8. In Dragon Ball as well as in the beginning of Dragon Ball Z Picollo's blood is seen as red, but later in the series his, another namekians blood is always purple. This change most likely took place because in the beginning Piccolo was just seen as an evil alien he didn't have a race or background or anything he was just a simple villain, but as the story progressed and his character was further developed he was eventually given a race and thus somewhere along that process they decided to change the color of namekians blood.

9. The Dragon Ball anime is actually quite sexual even though it's aimed toward children and early teens and I'm not talking about subtle dialogue and sexual innuendos here. No more in the lines of stuff that wouldn't even make it on most western animated shows aim towards adults and late teens like when Bulma shows herself naked simply to get what she wants. Or when she on several occasions teases Goku by revealing her panties and the dialogue implies that she will undress for him. Or how about when Goku literally undressed her while she's sleeping, or just some very sexual fanservice in general, or how about skipping all the hinting and just show some completely uncensored beasts. Not kidding here! It was only shown for about three or four frames and hard to see without slowing it down, but still you would never see that in for example an American cartoon. Just goes to show how different some cultures and country you nudity and sex. 

10. A live-action movie based on Dragon Ball was made in 1990 named Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku, it was a very low-budget unofficial Korean film based on the manga a similarly low-budget and unofficial movie was made in Taiwan in 1991 and was called Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins. Even so these two movies are still better than this sorry excuse of a movie released in 2009. It's a movie I wouldn't even want on my list of bad movies. That's how bad it is it is one of these movies, you know that when you watch it you're just blown away by the fact that the whole bunch of executives has sat through this whole thing, probably. That is incredible! That requires the balls, you could almost say it requires Dragon Balls!

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10 Facts about dbz 10 Facts about dbz Reviewed by RAJ KHAN on September 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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