
Robot facts and robot facts for kids


 Robot facts and robot facts for kids

Robot facts

Hello friends my name is Raj and welcome back to the our blog post with the title robot facts and robot facts for kids. Without any wasting time let's begin the post.

1. Robot" originates from the Czech word robota, meaning"drudgery," and first showed up in the 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum's General Robots). The show closes gravely when the machines ascend and murder their makers, leaving a sole forlorn survivor. 

2. They state it was a mishap. The principal known instance of robot manslaughter happened in 1981, when a mechanical arm squashed a Japanese Kawasaki assembly line laborer. 

3. In excess of a million modern robots are currently being used, almost 50% of them in Japan. 

4. Archytas of Tarentum, a buddy of Plato's, constructed a mechanical flying creature driven by a stream of steam or packed air—apparently history's first robot—in the fifth century B.C. 

5. Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for a heavily clad humanoid machine in 1495. Specialist Imprint Rosheim has made a functionalminiature adaptation for NASA to help colonize Mars. 

6. Moderate yet consistent: The genuine Mars robots, Soul andOpportunity, have logged 10.5 miles walking over the Red Planet formore than three years. The relentless droids were worked to last 90days. 

7. The US's military corps of 4,000 robots incorporates observation Claw bots that scout for side of the road bombs in Iraq and PackBots that looked around for Osama container Loaded's refuge in Afghanistan. Evidently absent a lot of achievement. 

8. PackBot's producer, iRobot, has additionally sold in excess of 2 million Roomba automated vacuum cleaners, with a similar situation detecting innovation. 

9. Low tech versus cutting edge: Taliban contenders in Afghanistan have purportedly utilized stepping stools to flip over and incapacitate the U.S. military robots sent to investigate their caverns. 

10. Elektro, the world's first humanoid robot, appeared in1939. Worked by Westinghouse, the seven-foot-tall strolling machine"spoke" in excess of 700 words put away on 78-rpm records to reenact discussion. 

Robot facts and robot facts for kids

11. Life is extreme in Tinseltown: Elektro later showed up in the 1960 B film Dream girls Head off to college. 

12. R2-D2 is the main character that seems unaltered (by maturing, state, or a crazy dark outfit) in every one of the six Star Wars films. 

13. R2's dull mystery: It was played by entertainer Kenny Bread cook, who by the end was generally given the boot and supplanted by CGI. 

14. Chris Melhuish of the Bristol Mechanical technology Lab made robots that utilization microscopic organisms filled power devices to create power from spoiled apples and dead flies. The objective: robots that rummage for their own food. 

15. Small scale Me: Australian specialists are attempting to fabricate a microrobot that would imitate the swim stroke utilized by E. coli bacteria.It would be infused into a patient so it could take a biopsy from within. 

16. Artificial intelligence teacher Kevin Warwick considers himself the world's first cyborg, with micro processors embedded in his left arm. He can distantly work entryways, a fake hand, and an electronic wheelchair. 

17. Winebot, worked by Japan's NEC Framework Advancements and Mie College, can ID scads of various wines, cheeses, and appetizers . . . to a certain degree. It as of late confused a columnist's hand with prosciutto. 

18. MIT's Media Lab is attempting to make robots personal,developing RoCo—a PC with a screen for a head and neck—and Leonardo, such a super-Furby intended to react to enthusiastic prompts. 

19. No hidden obligations! Advanced mechanics master Henrik Christensen predicts people will have intercourse with robots inside four years. 

20. Hans Moravec, author of Carnegie Mellon's RoboticsInstitute, predicts that robots will develop as their own species by2040. "They could supplant us in each basic errand and, in principle,operate our general public progressively well without us," he finishes up, strangely lively.

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Robot facts and robot facts for kids Robot facts and robot facts for kids Reviewed by RAJ KHAN on September 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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