
Nikola Tesla facts


 Nikola Tesla intresting and fun facts it was Nikola Tesla who invented the Alternative Current or

Nikola Tesla intresting and fun facts

Nikola Tesla facts

1. It was Nikola Tesla who invented the Alternative Current or  AC which you people use nowadays is also called Father of Current.  and most of patends are registered on his name.  he was a genius guy.

2. When Nikola Tesla saw Nigra Falls when he was younger, he thought that he would convert this falling water into an energy that people could use later.

3. Do you know that Nikola Tesla also invented Death Rays? This was a rage that could destroy any craft from a distance of 250 meters and it was absolutely wireless and could have caused the destruction of mankind, hence their  This invention was not recognized.

4. Do you know about the war of current?  Would not know that this war was between Nikola Tesla, Thomas Alva Edison and the westing house.
Do you know about the war of current?  Would not know that this war was between Nikola Tesla, Thomas Alva Edison and the westing house.  In this war, whose current was more powerful and whose current would be kept, then it was a kind of dispute between these three.

5. Do you know that Nikola Tesla suggested wireless portable communication in 1901 in front of one of his friends, it was something like that you have to message someone from a radio station so that it comes to you without any wire and it  If you can catch the frequency, then you can say that one was based on the future.

6. Do you know that Nikola Tesla had built a tower 185 feet tall so that he wanted to capture electricity in the air or you could say that he could transfer the power wirelessly from one place to another.  And will bring this electricity to Earth.  But they did this only for jokes or for their grief. But after some time the US government destroyed it because he thought that is very dangerous for us and world also.

7. AC index motor transformer It is registered in the name of many patents Nikola Tesla but you know that the concept of radio came from Marconi Le or he said that he invented the radio.  But Marconi himself used many patents of Tesla and then he invented radio.  And the US government has acknowledged this and Marconi himself.

8.  In 1899, Nikola Tesla made Light Thunder so that it could burn lightning from the ground to the sky and it was 130 feet in length, which was heard up to 22 miles.  And when he was born, there was also a lightning rod, so someone said that it would be the son of darkness, then his mother said that it would be the son of electricity.  Who is the son of lightning in Wakai as revealed by his inventions.

9. Nikola Tesla died in 1943.  After his death, his belongings were confiscated by Aliens Research and government officials and all his research papers have been kept in the museum but some of his belongings were given to his housemates.  We can still see their goods in the museum today.  Some of his papers are still missing.  And some papers have been hidden by the US government so that no wrong person can catch it because their inventions were largely meant to eradicate mankind.  Many people believe that if Nikola Tesla had recognize all the inventions, today the world would be 100 ahead.

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Nikola Tesla facts Nikola Tesla facts Reviewed by RAJ KHAN on August 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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