

Food facts

 Top 10 fun food facts with nutrition

Food facts fun

Food facts

Hello friends my name is Raj and welcome back to my new post with the title top 10 fun food facts with nutrition. Today we talk on food facts. I hope you are like this post. So let's begin

We all love fast food and there's no reason to deny it the salty greasy delights hit our pleasure zones as nothing else can but we're here to give you the top ten surprising facts about fast food that will make you think twice about going to your favorite restaurant always faster fast food the best time to visit isn't when you think it's feeding time some of you might think the best time is to go during breakfast hours after all people perform their best first thing in the morning anyone who is eaten during the lunch rush knows that it can be a hectic time for both the workers and those who are in a hurry for a bite to eat so when is the best time to hit up a fast-food restaurant for some grub the best time by far is 7:00 in the evening yes we're talking about supper time why is supper time better than lunch or breakfast I don't know what I've ever had a nicer thanks for breakfast it seems that this is when the bulk of fast food sales are made simply put you're more likely to get fresh food at 7:00 than you are during any other time of the day anyone who has ever eaten at a fast food restaurant during the hours that they aren't busy knows the quality of the food can be questionable that's because the food isn't as fresh as it is when they're churning it out left and right for customers so hungry they're ready to devour sauce packets. 

Customers spend more at self-service terminals gotta spend money to make money what's worse than waiting for what feels like forever at a restaurant where everything is supposed to be fast the worst thing by far is having to stand in line for ages before someone takes your order you can't wait until they finally begin to ask you what you want the way you skip all the wait time is by heading on over to a terminal and placing your order there there is no wait and you don't have to worry about the person getting your order wrong given it why do you think that your favorite burger joint has those terminals do you think it's so they don't have to pay cashiers to ring up your order the real truth that the public hasn't realized yet is people spend more when using a terminal you're more likely to place bigger orders at a terminal than when speaking to a cashier could that be because you don't feel guilty about being a glutton when placing your order on a machine there's no one to look at you strangely when you get that second order of fries that you know is a little too much you don't feel as guilty ordering dessert when there's no one shocked that you'll have room for everything you look like you enjoyed that Lucy you must have some more. 

your Cold soda makes you hungry who's hungry we all know there's nothing that goes better with fast food then soda did you know that cold drinks make you want to eat more they do and that's why you can't stop shoveling fries down your gullet while sipping on soda the real reason why all of the fast-food chains sell soda is that the profit margins are super high who knew that bubbly sugar water was so cheap to make well let's give them something to drink if you're able to fight the temptation of the wonderful bubbly liquid then get coffee you'll find yourself eating less food when drinking hot drinks that doesn't mean your burger is going to taste as good as it would when draining a couple of glasses of Cola on the rocks who are we fooling you're going to pig out eating a ton and drinking as much soda as possible sure it makes you hungry but it's a one-two combination like no other so the combination is 1 2 3 4 5. 

Food with nutrition facts


Dave Thomasand Colonel Sanders were once on the same team hey that's not the real Colonel Sanders I'm the real Colonel Sanders it's hard to believe that these two fast food Titans were once working on the same team Dave Thomas who later went on to found Wendy's was working for a company that turned their restaurants in to KFC chains it was then that Dave and the colonel were both working together to improve the KFC brand Dave suggested that the colonel should be in his advertisements that they should put the chicken in a bucket and that the sign should be a rotating bucket all of these changes led to the success of KFC and turned the restaurant into a household name Dave Thomas holds a special place in the hearts of fast food EES for so many reasons what does your heart tell you no one was more wholesome or appeared to care more about his products the same is true when the colonel was in his advertisements after working together and then drifting apart their relationship never became a rivalry since both men were quite fond of each other they understood that a person who is craving fried chicken wasn't going to be persuaded by a burger each man carved out their own niche in the world of fast food and was able to profit handsomely from it all of my hands for the glory and for the fine 

It's all about that precious Cinnabon aroma cinnamon roll the città venerable the cinnamon the the roll of the cinnamon the people behind Cinnabon are smart as a whip have you ever noticed that you can't escape the Cinnabon smell a big reason for that is the location of Cinnabon stores they work hard to find places where their sweet delicious odor can float through the air with as little trouble as possible can that really be true the truth chopper rated yes it is that's why you always see Cinnabon at shopping malls and in airports they want you to be able to smell their delicious pastries baking and will do almost anything to make it Cinnabon bakes cinnamon buns every 30 minutes by making sure that there's always fresh product being baked they ensure the odor will tickle your nostrils they also give restaurant owners specific instructions on the type of oven to use to maximize the amount of scent that goes throughout the area they know that there's a certain number of people who can't resist the delicious smell that permeates from a Cinnabon you don't need to spend money on advertising when you have something that smells as delicious as what Cinnabon is baking it tastes exactly like Cinnabon but same shape same swirl same frosting. 

Food facts

the odd reasoning behind the Mcflurry spoon how do I share I mean I could get my own spoon have you ever noticed how weird the spoon of a McFlurry is why do they give you such an odd spoon excuse me I need a spoon the spoon is what they use to mix the ingredients of the McFlurry with using the spoon to mix up your McFlurry is ingenious since it eliminates most of the health hazards that would be associated with a mixer it would be far too much work to have to clean the mixer every time someone orders a McFlurry the solution of using the spoon as a mixer works since it's disposable there's nothing to clean and a fresh clean spoon is used after every order now you know why the spoon is so odd when you order a McFlurry name i roll a McFlurry back. 

Top 10 fun food facts with nutrition

Fast food restaurants are designed to make you hungry have you ever wondered why just looking at a mcdonald's makes you hungry you feel so strange getting hungry just looking at the building there's a reason for that and it's quite surprising if you think about it long enough the way McDonald's is designed right down to the colors they choose is crafted in a way to make you hungry how crazy is that you don't need to set foot in the place to crave their piping hot fries or delicious sandwiches looking at the building is enough to get you to want to pull out your wallet and place an order now you know why it's almost impossible to walk by a mcdonald's without going inside mcdonald's and other fast food restaurant all use the same colors for a reason those colors make you feel hungry inside you might think that it's a far-fetched idea that yellow and red make you want to open your mouth and shovel food inside it why else would these multi-billion dollar companies all use the same colors they surely didn't hire the same decorator all of these companies have scientists that work for them that understand how the human brain works they've devised a strategy to make you hungry when you don't want to eat come on you know you want that hot fudge sundae sure you've just ate supper but you didn't have dessert don't you deserve a sweet treat after all you've been through recently mcdonald's thinks you do and that's why they do everything possible to get you inside.

Fast food is a relatively new invention everywhere is going to love your invention what we think of fast food has only been around for about a hundred years that's not long considering the length of time humans have existed we humans have needed to fill our gut with something since time began fast food existed in some forms before what we think of it but it had a terrible reputation it was the food of festivals fairs and carts someone would pull a cart near where a bunch of people were working and sell sandwiches you know it keeps going through my head where's my sandwich the food wasn't always the highest quality but the hungry workers didn't seem to care all the workers wanted was something to calm their hunger pangs long enough so they could go back to running their machine back in the factory White Castle is the first restaurant to change the way people think of fast food they purposefully painted the building white so people would associate it with cleanliness it's important to realize that this was at a time when quick service restaurants had a very bad reputation Walter Anderson and Billy Ingram knew if they could get over the hurdle of the bad wrath greasy spoons were receiving that the public would buy anything they sold they were right and it was their hard work and dedication that created an entire industry almost overnight in that case let's get to work. 

Food facts

Subway's  footlongs aren't  exactly 12 inches you know you're hungry when you balk at the idea of ordering a 6-inch sub you're growling stomach demands a footlong and anything short of that is unacceptable all this time you thought you were getting 12 inches of a delicious sandwich sandwiches a lawsuit proved that sometimes Subway sandwiches were less than the footlong they advertise sometimes the sandwiches were 11 inches in length how would you feel if you knew your sandwich was an inch shorter than advertised would you have a nervous breakdown and cry in the restaurant maybe you'd stomp your feet like a child having a temper tantrum if you're sophisticated like today's eaters are you hire some fancy lawyers to sue the company that's what happens when your guts are growling and you need every inch of Sandwich possible to get through the day I've already given my son to shop rats. 

Something familiar with Wendy's chili can for some chili I've added an extra ingredient Josh for you who doesn't love to sit down to a bowl of Wendy's chili do you put crackers and yours there has to be at least one of you out there who loves to put so many crackers in your chili that they soak up all the liquid then again there's more than likely some of you who eat it as it is no crackers for you but maybe a squeeze or two of the hot sauce they give you in that little packet the real adventurous people out there order their chili with onion and cheese on top you know who you are did you know that the taco salad also has its world-famous chili Wendy's taco salad can give anything on Taco Bell's menu a run for its money you have my money what you have my money every delicious bite of Wendy's chili is loaded with great tasting ground beef did you know that the ground beef used in their chili comes from their hamburgers more to the point it's hamburgers that didn't sell you see Wendy's grills up a ton of burgers to make sure everyone gets a sandwich that's hot and fresh the burgers that don't sell get tossed into the chili if you ever thought that the meat in Wendy's chili tasted familiar now you know why the same beef used to make their great tasting sandwiches like the junior bacon cheeseburger is used to make chili that's why the meat tastes so good and you feel so sad when you reach the bottom of the bowl of that Wendy's chili gotta win this chili cook-off we've got more great.

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Food facts Food facts Reviewed by RAJ KHAN on August 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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