

Pubg facts

Pubg mobile unknown and intresting facts.

Pubg facts

Pubg amazing facts

Today we shall talk about pubg facts and tips.  you everyone know what is the pubg. So without any time waste let's begin the blog pubg facts.

Pubg fact 1

The PUBG fact is  pubg game became popular because four players can play and team together in it.  Earlier there were many high end games.  But this feature was unique for mobile phones.  And you know how many mobile users there are in India, so this game became so popular. This is the pubg fact.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 2

This game is not a proper optimization.  And it lag on the computer. But it works well in mobile. But it is also there correctly. There is no optimization. And that's cool pubg fact.

Pubg fact 3

As we know, when a game is launched, people preorder it.  When the pubg game came out for the computer on March 23, 2017, the people who had done the pubg got a bandana or a cloth.  Which he can wear his player.  You would be surprised to know that the cost of that fabric is 1000 $.  Still people buy it. That's pubg interesting fact.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 4

There is also a record of the pubg game that the first Wolf Dota 2 game in which a lot of people played together.  But pubg broke this record because there were 1342080 people playing online at a time in pubg.  This is a fact of pubg.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 5

You would be surprised to know that when most people play pubg mobile, many times in pubg game there are bots which are not real players.  Those who do not attack you run away upon seeing you, this happens in the miramar map. That's a pubg unknown fact.

Pubg amazing facts

pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 6

Do you know how pubg got its name, you know that the pubg game was created by Brandon Greene.  You will be surprised to know that when he used to play the game, he used to keep his name as Player Unknown.  Therefore, the game was named Player Unknown Battleground.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 7

Not many people know how the pubg came to be.  The creator of the pubg told that he loves the DAYZ game, which is his favorite game, he got the idea of ​​the pub from this game and this game is his inspiration.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 8

When you win in the pubg, then your screen is written Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.  Many of you would not know what that meant.  When many years ago when people won in gambling, they were happy and had a chicken dinner that night.  Because at that time chicken was considered quite luxury.  So this idea was taken from there. That's a pubg amazing fact.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg fact 9

The game was released on the Steam platform on 23 March 2017 and within a month the game won the title of best-selling game on a single platform.  At that time the pubg had sold 2 million copies in a month. This is best pubg mobile fact.

Pubg fact 10

You can record normal gameplay in pubg.  But you can also record 3D cinematic gameplay in a pubg game and that too with different camera shots.  And you get this option on the pubg computer.

Pubg amazing facts

Pubg amazing facts

I hope you people like this post. And also you like this pubg fact and pubg amazing facts. If you like this post please Share it with your friends and family. So goodbye.

Pubg facts Pubg facts Reviewed by RAJ KHAN on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5


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